When Tin Man first got sick our friends were there to help us. They watched the kids, brought us dinners, and even went grocery shopping for us.
When the doctors decided Tin Man needed the heart transplant sooner than later, again our friends were there asking what they could do. When the social worker told us we needed to start fundraising, they were there and told us that they would do whatever we needed them to do.
There were 2 friends that told us they would step up and name themselves our fundraising coordinators so we wouldn't have to worry about the stress of setting things up. Plus these 2 friends kept reminding us that they have lived here all their lives and know a lot of people that can help with fundraising.
That was almost 2 years ago. These 2 really great friends haven't done a damn thing to help us. Most of the fundraisers we've had Tin Man and I have set up on our own between doctors appointments and hospital stays.
Tin Man and I have talked about doing a car show fundraiser. Again these 2 people stepped up and said they knew just who to call. They have yet to call them.
It makes me mad because these 2 people play on this. They make sure people know that they have watched our kids while Tin Man was in the hospital. Talk about all the support they have given us. I am very thankful for them watching the kids, but I wish they would step up like they promised to do in the past.
We have another set of friends that have stepped up to help us, but they've only lived in the area for a little over a year and don't have the connections these other friends do. Even with the limited connections, they've still helped us a great deal. These 2 awesome people have become more like family to us than just friends.
These 2 awesome people even tried to see if they could set up a fundraising committee with these other people, and were blown off. Excuses were made as to why we all couldn't have dinner together.
Even without these 2 so called friends, we've come up with a few fundraising ideas that we're working out the final touches on. Nov/Dec/Jan are rough times for fundraising because of the holidays, so once February comes we are going to get things moving.
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