Then I have days that start out good, but something happens and it all goes south.
Yesterday was a good day. I went to lunch with a friend, worked 2 hours in Sugar Pea's class, and even ran some much needed errands. Today is the complete opposite. Today I feel like life is happening around me but I can't seem to jump on board.
I don't expect people to understand. The only people that can truly understand are those that have gone through the loss of a spouse. So be thankful you don't understand. As frustrating as it is on my side, I'm glad not many of my friends or family understand.
I "know" in time it will all be easier. I "know" in time I'll be able to talk about him without it bringing tears to my eyes. I "know" all this, but that time isn't right now.
I do understand - I my husband died 15 months ago from a brain tumor. I clearly remember those first few months, and even now I still have days like you describe in your post. No one telling you that "it gets better" seems to be helpful at the time, so I won't say that. But I get it. And you are in my thoughts today.